Adoption Application

Please view our Adoption Contract here (PDF that opens in a new window)
Adoption Application

Adoption Information

Are You Over 18? *
You must be over 18 to apply to adopt a horse.
Have you ever been charged or convicted of animal abuse? *

Equine Information

Please provide photographs of the facility in which the horse will be kept. Barn/shed or whatever building will be available for protection and turnouts and/or pastures that will be available to the horse. Photos can be sent to

Equine Experience


*NOTE: Please notify all of your references that we will be contacting them within a day or two of receiving your application. For privacy reasons, some veterinary offices and veterinarians require your explicit permission to serve as references for you and to speak with us. Your contacting them ahead of time will facilitate this process and prevent unnecessary delay.*

Site Visits

The Santana Center reserves the right to make site visits to the location where the horse will be kept and to make return visits, throughout the lifetime of the horse. These visits will be conducted using a site visit review form (a form used by The Santana Center to answer specific questions as to location, facility, etc.) and the person doing those visits will be asked to take photographs of the horse's proposed location as well as photos of the horse in its new environment once it has been adopted. Unless there is reason to believe that a bad condition exists, The Santana Center will always make an appointment before entering the adopted horses’ living facility. No adoption application will be processed until all references have been received. We prefer veterinarian and other equine professional and/or personal references.
It is understood that if you adopt a horse from The Santana Center, you will give The Santana Center right of first refusal under the same terms as the horse was acquired from us if you find yourself unable to keep the horse. If The Santana Center for any reason cannot take the horse back, we must approve the new home before the horse may change ownership and that authorization commitment will continue throughout the lifetime of the horse.