It’s the 6 am alarm. I roll over and think…its Sunday, it’s going to rain, sleet, snow and blow 50 mph. Why am I getting out of bed? Oh yah, horses have to eat and stalls need to be done. OK maybe I can crawl back to bed afterwards….nope- today is the fundraiser for the Santana Center at the Warwick Mall that is being hosted by the 4 H club. Part of me wants to go back to bed…and part of me is so grateful I am going to go represent our horses and the horses other rescues are also trying to save and place into loving homes. And we are so lucky – because everything we are offering for sale was donated- the mugs Caitlin Berman sent us; the dog treats Stephanie Malin sent us and the treats baked by the 4 H girls plus the Sunday they are giving up on our behalf! I see other facebook posts from rescues who are begging for money to feed their horses. I think people are being bombarded with too many requests for money- all worthy causes but its too much. We have to do so much more than simply ask for money. What we have experienced is people want to help in any way possible- they are making it possible for us to raise money IF I don’t go back to bed 🙂 Thank you so much to everyone who is helping us get out there and keep the horses from going to slaughter and into their forever home!!!