We should be going to Home At Last Farm to pick up Hattie soon. This has been a rough few weeks for us trying to find these minis that never should have been sold and especially not separated. We are so grateful for everyone’s help tracking them down. Soon to be together again! Check out...
As we get closer to the end of the year, it has always been my tradition to look back and plan ahead. This has been a year of incredible growth; we have learned so much more about the horse world, both good and bad; we continue to struggle to find our place in it. We...
We have been overwhelmed with requests this month to help out owners who have suddenly decided they can no longer keep their horses. The kill pens are overflowing with horses that truly should not be there. What is going wrong? Why do people wait so long before making this decision and why is it always...
August 2019 We bailed our first mini-mule yesterday. His name is Frodo. And what do I know about mules or donkeys? Pretty much nothing, except that he is only a year old. We have a lot to learn every day-it never really stops. What have we learned since we started this rescue? · Horses can...
Its hard to believe that summer is just flying by! We have seen so many horses come through our doors and go off to their new forever homes. Since January, 23 horses have found their new forever family. We have some who are still waiting. Liam is absolutely the perfect guy for just about anything;...
#203 came to the Santana Center from Moore’s facility in PA early in January 2019. She was underweight with severe rain rot. She went through quarantine where she ate constantly and was a bit aggressive about sharing but Penny Parker took good care of her! We named her Clara as a way to show our...
We made it!! Winter is finally over and we can once more think about grass and trail riding and finding new homes for our rescued horses. In some ways, we had it easy- not much snow but lots of rain and mud. But we were busy and managed to place 15 horses in their new...
Resolution #1: We started off Christmas day with tears of sadness- a fellow rescuer had lost a mare and foal that morning and was now looking at a significant vet bill. But we ended the day with happy tears as we watched a video from a proud dad of his daughter getting her surprise pony...
Since 2004, the Santana Center has been ambling along rescuing and placing 1-2 horses per year. Some were dumped at auctions, some were given to us, some the owners just could not deal with anymore. We had never even given a thought to slaughter bound horses and kill pens. That changed last year. One of...
This has been harder than I thought- keeping up with all the news. Let me start with the ASPCA Help a Horse Day results where we won our division!!! How incredible is that!! The most amazing result of being involved in this has been all the networking that has gone on. Nicole was able to...