News and Updates

After the last few months of frantic bail, quarantine and adopt activity, it seems like we have hit a lull. We have some really nice horses here but no one is even asking about them or coming to see them. Seriously, Orchid is a huge, muscled gorgeous girl and not even bitchy. She knows her...
It’s certainly been a busy summer so far. The ASPCA HelpAHorse Campaign really kept us occupied while we struggled to grow into our new role. Used to only dealing with one or two horses, we suddenly found ourselves dealing with 18 of them!! But with all our new connections, we were able to place 10...
Finally all the horses are here and we are slowly making progress with them. They each came with their own interesting characteristics for sure! It is so distressing to see their initial lack of trust- I can’t even begin to imagine what these horses go through as they cycle through sales, auctions and finally land...
Hmm… will it ever stop raining? Everything takes so much longer when you have to slush through the mud. And we have a lot of mouths to feed and stalls to clean and volunteers are less likely to drop by to help. Sigh! But really what is stressing me the most is the facebook post...
In two days Luna and Girlfriend will finally get to start their trip to Michigan. Lisa and Hannah are waiting with their breaths held for the arrival of these wonderful girls. I am looking forward to seeing these two go to their forever loving home and cleaning 2 stalls less every day. BUT at the...
I will admit there were days when I didn’t think we would make it through. We have gone through so many ups and downs- horses being adopted, people changing their minds; barns burning down; PCR tests; quarantines, EPM, strangles that became chronic and required surgery; horses doing their normal thing and damaging their deep flexor...
It’s the 6 am alarm. I roll over and think…its Sunday, it’s going to rain, sleet, snow and blow 50 mph. Why am I getting out of bed? Oh yah, horses have to eat and stalls need to be done. OK maybe I can crawl back to bed afterwards….nope- today is the fundraiser for the...
As horse people we certainly understand that word- riding is all about patience- with your horse and with yourself! But patience has taken on a new dimension for us at the Santana Center- it seems like all we do is wait!! We wait to see if they will get sick. We wait to see if...
Please visit the page for the Santana center fundraiser. We really appreciate the efforts being done on our behalf. The horses are finally on the move! Luna and Misty should be coming to our facility in the near future. We all tested clean! Pilgrim still has some stuff to clear out of his pouches...
When people tell you that the cheapest part of rescuing a horse is the bail from the kill pen, believe them!! It is astounding how complicated things get when you add in quarantine, shipping, vets, and the meds. Just to make it more complicated, each state has different rules and each vet practice follows different...
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